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韋博商務英語系列 通過對大量真實商務案例和語言教學法的研究,其內(nèi)容旁征博引,涵蓋金融,貿(mào)易,以及企業(yè)管理等各方面的實用話題,也包括全球經(jīng)濟一體化,網(wǎng)絡經(jīng)濟,創(chuàng)新等熱點討論。有別于傳統(tǒng)的商務英語教學,該商務英語培訓課程每一課都由相關名言引入,形式新穎;并融入大量的案例分析和角色扮演,互動活潑,目的在于提高I及以上級別學員在商務英語方面的實際運用能力。
Through a considerable amount of research on business cases and teaching methodologies, Web Business English Series Course is now completed! It aims to improve listening and speaking of learners at or above I Level in Business English. The Course, incorporating practical topics on finance, trade, corporate management, etc and heated discussions on topics like globalization, e-commerce and innovation, distinguishes itself by opening with content-relevant famous sayings and unfolding through plentiful case studies and role-plays.