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課程詳情 在線報名
能簡單討論某個話題,并簡單敘述較完整的一件事. 能聽懂熟悉的日常生活中發(fā)音清楚、語速較慢的對話;掌握部分職業(yè)英語及電話溝通技能。 能閱讀簡易英文讀物。
進階級(1級) High Beginner (Level 1)
掌握1000-1200左右的詞匯以及相關詞組??梢跃湍硞€話題進行對話,簡單表達個人觀點。能夠寫出簡短的便條轉達具體信息。(400個場景練習,400個句型及慣用語和50,000字精讀量) Know about 1000 to 1200 words and relevant phrases well.
To engage in dialogues on specific topics and express personal views in a simple way. To write brief notes in conveying information. (400 scenarios practice, 400 sentence patterns and idioms and 50,000 words for
進階級(2級) High Beginner (Level 2)
可以用英語交談和敘述較完整的一件事,包括時間、地點、因果和過程等特定信息。 Know about 1200 to 1600 words and relevant phrases well.
To use English to narrate a complete story, including time, place, process, cause and effect.
進階級(3級) High Beginner (Level 3)
能夠聽懂熟悉的日常生活中發(fā)音清楚、語速正常的簡短對話或獨白。能讀懂通知、簡單的介紹和廣告、通俗易懂的英文書刊或報紙。能夠寫日記、信函、和通知等。 Know about 1600 to 2000 words and relevant phrases well.
To understand short everyday dialogues and monologues and speak them naturally and clearly. To understand notices, simple presentations and advertisements, easy-to-understand English books or newspapers, and write diaries, letters.
進階級(4級) High Beginner (Level 4)
掌握一些職業(yè)英語,掌握電話溝通技能,具有英語溝通的能力。能閱讀分級簡易英文讀物。 Know about 2000 to 2500 words and relevant phrases well.
To master English for specific purpose, e.g. telephone communication skills. To be able to communicate in English and read simple graded