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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00


       雅思大作文的離題情況在考生中是屢見的。常州朗閣雅思寫作培訓的專家們注意到了這個問題,并且希望通過一些行之有效的方法來幫助考生們克服這一困難。本文中,我們從Writing Task 2寫作要求的核心 -- 一個中心的要求開始,逐漸說明如何寫好雅思議論文的中心主題。
  一、Writing Task2評分點理解誤區(qū)
  首先,我們可以先從雅思考試Writing Task 2的寫作要求、測試的能力和評分標準三項內容分別作解釋,考生在考試中應該理解的內容有哪些呢?
  In Writing Task 2, you will be given a discussion topic. The question will either present you with an opinion, an argument or a problem. You have to discuss all parts of the question with two or three main points and provide some supporting details for each point.
  You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
  You have to write at least 250 words. You are advised to spend 40 minutes on this task.
  事實上,有很多同學并沒有真正理解題目的要求。比如說,對于“You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.”這句話,大家是怎么理解的呢?常州朗閣雅思寫作培訓的專家們發(fā)現實際上要求中的這句話給我們許多考生造成了誤解,考生們在考場上盡全力地想舉出相關的例子來證明,往往結果是出現很多不恰當的句子,而后生硬地把“自己”加到其中。筆者在這里為大家解釋清楚這個要求真正所要表達的意思(disabuse your misunderstanding):“using your own experience”并不是一定要大家提供自己的切身經歷經驗,可以是你所知道的supporting facts、examples等等。大家只需要寫出和中心主旨相關的支持內容就可以,而不一定非要加入“I have experienced...”或者“In my experience of...”這樣的句子來硬撐起自己的觀點。
  二、Writing Task 2測試的能力
  This task tests your ability to do one or more of the following five points:
  discuss a problem and present a solution 討論一個問題,并給出解決的方案。
  present and justify opinions 提出觀點,加以證明。
  compare and contrast evidence or opinions 對比事實或者對不同的觀點進行比較。
  argue a case 論述(證)一個事實。
  evaluate and challenge ideas, using evidence and arguments 對給出的不同觀點作出評價。
  Your performance in Task 2 will be assessed on the criteria below: (band 9 for candidates who demonstrate the following points)
  1. Being able to present a clear, logical, and well-supported argument.
  2. Being able to support your argument with personal experience and reasons.
  3. Being able to focus on all aspects of the question and not include anything irrelevant.
  我們強調議論文要中心突出,就是指一篇好的雅思議論文,只能論述一個中心、一個主題,不能有和主題不相關的內容,給出的supporting examples and facts也絲毫不能脫離你所論述的中心主旨(thesis)。關于中心主旨要唯一(one thesis),大家如果翻看專業(yè)書籍,都會有詳細的講解,甚至有整本關于這個內容的書。但常州朗閣雅思寫作培訓的專家們不建議大家先翻看理論,再回到雅思議論文的寫作訓練中來,那樣就走了彎路。我們在寫雅思議論文的時候,如果沒有給出一個鮮明的主題,即使文采再好,也得不了高分。下面的例子分析會給大家一個明確的認識。
  文章的中心主旨一般需要一句全文主題句來鮮明地總結和闡述??聪旅孢@段例子,這是一段標準的雅思Writing Task 2的開始段:
  Since the dawn of 21st century, science has become an increasingly specialized and compartmentalized subject. Some people propose that science will not provide amateurs any room to stay. Perhaps surprisingly, however, amateurs are still important.
  Since the beginning of this century, amateurs have been playing fewer and fewer roles in scientific areas. Some people think that science will not need amateurs any more. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  從示范的首段大家可以看出,最后一句Perhaps surprisingly, however, amateurs are still important. 給出了全文的中心主旨,那就是“業(yè)余愛好者在科學這個領域中仍然重要”。在這一部分我們主要體會一下“一心一意”這個原則。在“觀點鮮明”這一要求里面,第三點“Being able to focus on the topic and not include anything irrelevant”所要求的核心就是這個意思。
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