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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00

雅思口語第三部分(Part 3)一直是大多數(shù)中國考生比較頭疼的部分,其中的原因是Part 3問題比較有深度,并且沒有固定的出題法則。但還是有一些領域是Part 3??嫉?/span>,movie即是一個??嫉念I域。下面我們來看看一個考生的Part 3模擬對答答案及點評。

1. How do you think the Internet will change entertainment in the future?
Answer: Just yesterday I saw there's some advertising on Internet to put some blanks on Mr. Bush to attack his economic policies which bring American economy.
Comment: 大多數(shù)考生回答此題時都只關注題目中的“internet”部分,而往往忽略了關鍵詞“change”, “entertainment”“future”。而且在此處的“blanks”建議改成“blame”。同時上文答案采用的均為一般現(xiàn)在時,建議將“bring”改成“is bringing”“has brought”
2. How do you think the Internet will change ENTERTAINMENT?
Answer: It's a kind of entertainment, but it can affect people's opinions...
Comment: 考生們往往在遇到此類問題時,容易出現(xiàn)上文的概括性答案,缺少更好的支持性答案。“It’s a kind of entertainment.”這樣的表達過于簡單,只能獲得4-5分。取而代之的,考生們可以采取類似“I believe that, for many people, political discussions are a kind of entertainment, which will probably grow more common in the future"的答案。這樣的答案容易將考官帶回原話題,可以取得6分以上的成績。
3. How about in the future?
Answer: I think this trend will go on.
Comment: 考生們隨后應該列舉出什么樣的trend以及這個trendgo on的原因。
4. Which trend?
Answer: People express their ideas through some entertainment. But new patterns on Internet.
Comment: 后半句話不是一個完整的句子,缺少動詞。同樣的,考生也可以給出更多的細節(jié)來支持自己的觀點。例如:"There are new patterns of communication thanks to the Internet, for example..."
5. Can you give me some details on how it will be done in the future?
Answer: Because the Internet is comparatively... very cheap ...so people can future some films some, record some we do, record some new music or to put them on the Internet for other people to share, can share their information.
Comment: 該學生在回答此題時嘗試給出了一些自己的觀點,但觀點仍然過于簡單,并且出現(xiàn)了一些無法讀懂的句子,例如:"People can future some films some", 此句可以改為:"People in the future will be able to choose from among many different films". "Record some we do"同樣沒有任何意思,但之后學生更改了自己的答案,因此能改善一下分數(shù)。
6. Do you think that this will affect traditional movie theaters?
Answer: To some degree because to live to film is more expensive than if you compared with Internet entertainment.
Comment: 此答案過于簡單,獲得雅思口語6分的可能性非常低。此處的"to live to film"也無法理解是什么意思。如果考生能給出些更詳細的舉例或例子,如電影院的價格等等,答案將會更清晰。
7. So what will happen to traditional movie theaters in the future?
Answer: They should make it more accessible and not maybe from big cities to some smaller cities because especially in China there aren't many films cinemas in small cities in China but Internet we can use Internet whenever, wherever we are.
Comment: 這是相對來說比較好的答案,如果考生能在這系列問題的一開始就給出該水平的答案,取得雅思口語6分就相對比較有保障了。
8. How can movie theaters become more accessible?
Answer: Maybe we don't need large scale cinemas in small cities, but more small more compact uh pattern.
Comment: 這又是個過于簡單的答案,考生又錯失了一個取得高分的機會??梢試L試使用類似這樣的答案:"Maybe we don't need large scale cinemas in small cities where there are fewer people. Instead, more compact theaters might be appropriate". 通過將原來答案中的部分單詞進行升華,學生可以展示出自己更強的口語表達能力。
9. How do you think you would have enjoyed living 100 years ago, without the Internet and without television or radio?
Answer: Maybe life is boring but we still have other styles of more natural entertainment.
Can you give me some examples?
Answer: Such as play some game, cards, personal contact, personal interchanges, personal communications is more uh, it's more widely used.
Comment: 在第一次的答題中學生就應該給出例子作答,直接給出如下答案:"One example would be playing games such as cards. These are very popular, yet simple to do over the Internet".
10. How do you think television affects society?
Answer: I think different people get different information from television. Some people, especially child, children, they vulnerable, they are vulnerable to the television information, information from the television. They can't distinguish what is right, what's wrong, so they may adapt all what they see.
Comment: 在這個答案中雖然存在一些小的語法問題,但考生已經在做出比較成功的交流了。
11. So, do you think we should control television in some way?
Answer: Maybe, especially like what we have done this days before 10 o'clock we have some contraints in the conTENT of the television but after that more free styles can be show.
Comment: 許多英文單詞的重音會改變單詞的意思,考生們應該非常小心。像這道題中的content: "conTENT" means "happy" while "CONtent" means what is inside.
Thank you, that's the end of the speaking test.

Comment:關于這位考生針對這類問題的一個總體評價:考生只在最后給出了一些比較好的句型表達及答案。如果只看最后幾個問題的答案,考生能取得6分左右的口語成績。然而,縱觀全部答題,考生或許就只能取得5分左右的成績了。所以朗閣海外考試研究中心的專家建議考生在考試前加強對Part 3問題的熟悉度,并利用課余時間收集ideas以更好的應對Part 3部分中較難的問題。

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