

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00

隨著國際禁令解封,現在很多人都在為出國留學做打算,但出國留學外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下雅思口語part2怎么抽題,還有這些急救~雅思口語考試是自己抽題還是考官給?,武漢2009.12.12號的雅思口語考生回憶被封了么???怎么找不到啦!嗚嗚,雅思口語part 2串題思維:萬能故事線,雅思口語干貨:口語Part2-抽象類話題答題思路,雅思口語第二部分話題卡是自己抽還是考官給指定呢??? 也是大家所關心的


................. 肯定是考官給的.. 不過..你可以引導他抽你想要的卡片,前提是他手上有.. 比如你去打聽,這次考看電影.. 那你不管他說什么都談幾句你喜歡看電影,他或許對你這個有興趣就給你了.. 再舉個鮮明的例子..你要說你會中國功夫...他有任何相關卡片我都估計他會給你,比如愛做運動,愛好等等.. 不過,他手上要是沒有...就沒法了. 我今天考的,給的卡片是說中國的一部好的法律..


貌似來晚了........ 已經考完了吧.... 其實基本同步的... 但不排除考官隨便抽題 你考完就發(fā)現其實考的還是最基本的題目吧? 很少出新題的..

3.雅思口語part 2串題思維:萬能故事線

掌握part2的串題思維,能幫助考生在最短時間內濃縮記憶更多的素材內容。串題方法如下,萬能故事線:簡單來說,就是我們描述事情最好能有鋪墊和故事高潮,以及最后的感受。這樣的故事更符合大眾的口味,即是大部分小說或影視劇都會采用的敘事方式。我們將此用于part2的敘述中。中文理解如下,舉例:描述一次你給別人提建議的經歷/描述一次你叫別人技能的經歷請按照以下思路來組織自己的故事線:以前的想法---現在的想法(有反轉)---過程---結尾感受之前的想法:在這個故事之前,我從來沒有給誰提過什么重要意見。包括我自己也沒怎么采取過別人的建議,因為我認為人需要靠自己來解決問題?,F在的想法(反轉):然而,事情不是我想的這樣。有一天,我的朋友發(fā)信息來詢問我關于第二天她參加一個工作面試的事。過程:朋友:她很緊張,不知道應該如何表現,因為沒有任何面試經驗。我給建議:1.穿衣得體,比如休閑西裝;2.準備一個簡短的中英文自我介紹,畢竟是外企面試。3.等待的時候深呼吸。結果:朋友按照我的建議去了面試,并取得成功。打電話來給我表示感謝,這讓我也改變了自己的想法,原來建議是一件很有意義也有用的事情。描述一次你教別人技能的經歷之前的想法:我從來沒有教過誰技能。包括我自己也沒像別人請教過什么技能。很多技能都是從學校學到的?,F在的想法(反轉):然而,事情不是這樣。有一天,我的朋友發(fā)信息來詢問我關于第二天她參加一個工作面試的事。過程:朋友:她很緊張,不知道應該如何表現,因為沒有任何面試經驗。我教的技能:面試技能。1. 穿衣技巧。2. 熱情回答問題,準備一份中英文簡歷;3,面試前深呼吸結果:朋友按照我教給他的面試技能去了面試,并取得成功。打電話來給我表示感謝,這讓我也改變了自己的想法,原來你的經驗就可以成為一件很有意義也有用的事情。英文案例1:describe a time when you gave advice to others.之前的想法:Before I this, literally, I’ve never given any to anyone, including that I’ve seldom taken someone else’s advice ,either. Because I believe I can solve the problem by myself.現在的想法(反轉)+過程:However, the matter doesn’t go like what I’ve imagined. One day, my friend texted me and asked me about the job interview that she would attend tomorrow. She was nervous and came up against a brick wall about the interview, due to her lack of relevant . Then I concluded a couple of useful sending to her. I told her that the first tip of all was in a right dress code, like wearing a proper blazer. The second one was to prepare a Chinese-English version of resume , that was an after all. Besides, I also reminded her of taking deep breath before she getting started of it.結果感受:Finally, my friend took my advice and then made it in the interview. She called me and showed her gratitude. From this, I changed my thoughts. Giving advice to others seems like a great deal of light. 英文案例2: describe a skill that you can teach others.之前的想法:Before I this, literally, I’ve never given any /串taught any skills to anyone, including that I’ve seldom taken someone else’s advice/acquired skills from others ,either. Because I believe I can solve the problem by myself/串learn most of all from the school lessons.現在的想法(反轉)+過程:However, the matter doesn’t go like what I’ve imagined. One day, my friend texted me and asked me about the job interview that she would attend tomorrow. She was nervous and came up against a brick wall about the interview, due to her lack of relevant . Then I concluded a couple of useful sending to her/串then I concluded an interview skill that i cumulated from my own working . I told her that the first tip of all was in a right dress code, like wearing a proper blazer. The second one was to prepare a Chinese-English version of resume , that was an after all. Besides, I also reminded her of taking deep breath before she getting started of it.結果感受:Finally, my friend took my advice/串the skills that i taught her and then made it in the interview. She called me and showed her gratitude. From this, I changed my thoughts. Giving advice to others /串teaching skills to others seems like a great deal of light. 串題思維總結:萬能故事線(之前想法-現在想法-過程-結果感受)#文字背后是一個認真專研雅思教學的一線老師#歡迎交流


有些同學認為,對于這個話題我們需要想盡辦法的一直描述天空才可以。其實,對于這類抽象話題,如果把自己限定到只能描述話題中的抽象事物本身,這對語言的要求是很高的,而且會把整篇口語答案變成一篇“說明文”(類似的題目還有“Describe a game you played in the past”,同學們不要回答成介紹游戲玩法的說明文)。我們說答題的關鍵是要對抽象話題進行細節(jié)化和具象化的處理。對天空進行詳細描述,這在細節(jié)化方面是做到了,但卻是太過于抽象,在具象化方面做的不夠。我曾經讓一個同學用中文描述一下他對這道題的答題思路,他是這么說的:“有一天我正在學習,然后一抬頭看到窗外的天空,好美?。 蔽艺f你這個思路是可以的,但是你在細節(jié)化和具象化方面還要下功夫。例如,這件事情是什么時候發(fā)生的?你學習的是什么內容?天空是什么樣的?看天空這件事情,對你短期(當時)和長期都有什么樣的影響?根據上面提出的這幾個問題,我們可以把回答擴展成下面這樣:“應該是上個月的月初吧,其實我也不記得具體時間了。那天晚上,大概10點鐘左右的樣子。那時候我父母都睡了,而我卻還卡在一道數學題目上。數學一直都不是我的強項,明天早上就要交作業(yè)了,而我卻完全沒有頭緒;你可以想象的到,我當時的心情會是多么的煩躁!于是我決定先休息一會兒,放松一下。隨后我就在屋里來回踱步,并且不經意的望向了窗外,然后我就被天空中那輪明亮的圓月驚到了。月光是那么的溫馨,那么的柔和;我的思想也瞬間平靜了下來。我想起了小時候在鄉(xiāng)下姥姥家的時光,當時的月光也是這樣溫柔的,小時候無憂無慮的時光真是美好?。∥以诨貞浝锷裼瘟艘粫褐?,忽然想起作業(yè)還要繼續(xù)完成啊!說來也奇怪,平復了心緒之后,數學題也變得不那么難了。我沒花太長時間就把作業(yè)做完了,隨后我就決定上床睡覺了。我希望那美麗的月光還可以出現在我的夢中,至于當晚到底有沒有夢到月亮,說實話,我其實也不記得。說到我對那晚天空的想法,我覺得看天空是一種很好的解壓和放松的方式。現在人們太忙了,生活中的壓力也太大了。我們需要學會慢下來,并且親近自然,例如欣賞天空就是一種親近自然最方便的方法。我就想說這么多了,謝謝!”下面是供同學們參考的英文版本:“It should be early last month. Actually, I don't really remember the exact time. That night, around 10 o'clock, my parents were asleep while I was stuck by a math problem. For me, math is not fun. Next morning was the deadline for the homework, and I had no idea how to get it done. You could imagine, how I was at that time!So I decided to take a break, got relaxed. I paced the room and caught sight of the bright full moon outside the window. It was striking, the gentle and peaceful moonlight calmed me down. I recalled the time when I was a child and lived with my grandma in the , there was also the gentle moonlight. I am nostalgic about the carefree good old days! I a bit and that the math homework had to be done by that night! , with my mind calmed down, math problems became less difficult. It didn't take long for me to finish it up, and then I decided to go to bed. I hoped that the beautiful moonlight could appear in my dream. Honestly, I don't really remember whether or not I dreamed of the moon. When it comes to my feeling about watching sky, I believe it's a measure to ease our minds. There are so many pressures in our lives, we are too busy! We have to slow down a bit and get closer to nature. Let's say, the sky is a approach to that closeness. That would be all, thank you!”總結一下,對于比較抽象的話題,我們要從細節(jié)化和具象化方面下功夫。而其中的重點是具象化,因為BC對于口語Part2的設計初衷,還是讓同學們聊熟悉的話題,并且盡量聯(lián)系自己的生活。在回答題目時,同學們需要在腦海中構建出一個自己熟悉的生活場景,其中一定要包含話題中的核心事物。隨后再對這個場景進行全方位的擴展,從而實現具象化。同學們,你們學會了嗎?




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