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隨著國際禁令解封,現(xiàn)在很多人都在為出國留學做打算,但出國留學外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下雅思口語part1家鄉(xiāng),還有這些2021年1-4月雅思口語Part1新題及參考答案: Name名字,請查收!2021年雅思口語1-4月新題Home country解析!,雅思PART1說幾句比較好?,雅思口語2:part1必考題之Your Hometown┃每天5分鐘,托雅6上天,雅思口語Part1 Home Country,雅思口語part1,雅思口語:你認為你家鄉(xiāng)適不適合年輕人發(fā)展?怎么回答??? 也是大家所關心的
1月、5月、9月是每年雅思口語的換題季,每次換題大概會有40%左右的新題出現(xiàn)。進入1月份,根據(jù)同學們的回憶,陸續(xù)開始爆出很多雅思口語新題。因此,這里給大家整理了1月新題解析:Name名字,給近期備考的烤鴨們參考使用~Name名字題目: Do you think it is difficult to remember other people’s names? Is it easy for you to remember people’s names? How can you remember other people’s names? How do you feel if others cannot remember your name? Do you often forget people’s names?參考答案:l Do you think it is difficult to remember other people’s names?Not really. I have a really good memory for names and numbers. I think some people are forgetful though, like my uncle, always getting my brother and my names mixed up!l How can you remember other people’s names?I don’t know – I never have a problem names. I associate names with faces. I think most of us do this, and that helps us to remember what people are called.l How do you feel if others cannot remember your name?I don’t mind. I’m not easily offended to be honest. Well, unless it’s someone really close to me! If they forget my name I’d be pretty shocked I’d say!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------好了,以上就是本季口語新題解析:Name名字,希望對同學們有所參考。如需要2021年1-4月新題完整版內(nèi)容(帶小問題和參考范文)的同學,請參考以下文章請叫我二大王:更新! 2021年1-4月雅思口語新題題庫第三彈 (含參考答案哦~)
在本季的雅思口語新題當中,一些題目為舊題改編,一些題目為新題,面對不同的題目,我們應該怎樣高效備考?來跟著學姐來看看解析,為自己的雅思口語提供思路吧~Home country題目解析:本題屬于新題首次出現(xiàn)。題目內(nèi)容和hometown這個基本信息題的具體問題比較接近。1.Which part of your country do you want to live in?I’d like to live exactly where I live now, in the middle north of my country. There are 4 distinct seasons, though spring and autumn are a bit too short, and I think the area where I live has wonderful food and a great . So I’m here. distinct seasons:四季分明2.What makes you feel proud of your country?I feel proud of quite a few things really. We’ve come a long way in a fairly short time, and since I was a child I have seen very positive changes in from roads, , and public amenities and health care. These things have advanced a lot over the years and I guess I’d say I’m proud of this, as it makes our lives better. We’ve come a long way in a fairly short time:在很短的時間內(nèi)走過了很長的一段路public amenities:公共設施3.Do you know the history of your country?I know bits of history yes. I don’t have a strong or deep knowledge or interest but I do have a general knowledge of the history of my country from films, and of course from school studies. 4.Will you stay in China in the future?I intend to stay here in the future yes, at least for a good few years. After that, I don’t know, really. I like the idea of living overseas, but at the same time I’m a person who likes familiar territory so I think I’d prefer to stay where I know how to do things and the culture. territory:領土,領地
雅思口語考試的程式是這樣的:開頭考官會先讓你簡單介紹一下自己,(比如你的名字、年齡、職業(yè)、住在哪個城市等等,)然后根據(jù)你的介紹,考官會聊天似的問你一兩個小問題,比如你的工作忙不忙啊,你所在城市當下天氣怎么樣啊,等等。問題提得都很日常,考官這么做一是為了考查考生的口語表達,二來也為了營造一種輕松的氛圍以緩解考生緊張的情緒?!揪蛦栴}最好多擴充3 .4 句話。(他問你什么你就回答什么,不會跑題的,就如實回答就好。)例如他要你介紹自己的話,你是學生啊··你就告訴他學校名字,你的專業(yè)啊,專業(yè)是搞什么東西的,你家鄉(xiāng),順便拉一下邊,家鄉(xiāng)特產(chǎn)啊··名聲景點。。的卻這些都是介紹你自己的。著PART差不多夠時間了】 。。搞定! 接下來,考官會讓你在幾張正面朝下的小紙條中抽取一張,每張紙條上都有一個小話題。你有1分鐘的準備時間,然后就這個小話題說說你的看法。要把紙條上面的問題一一答完哦?。? 最后,(有些考官會提醒你的,有些不提醒的,會很順勢的延伸去PRAT3,問題超出卡片問題的就是轉PART3了,不用緊張,用自身經(jīng)驗如實回答,沒有這經(jīng)驗就吹水唄~)考官會針對你的“發(fā)言”提幾個相關的問題與你切磋一下。很多人擔心會不幸抽到一個自己知之甚少的話題,在我看來,這種擔心沒有什么必要。一來雅思口語考試中選取的話題比雅思作文的話題還要微觀還要感性,你不必非得列出若干條理由來論證一個觀點。比如我考口語時抽到的話題是:“你平時的生活和工作中經(jīng)常使用哪些高科技電子產(chǎn)品?舉一兩個例子說說它們的好處?!睂τ谶@樣的問題,【我們只要根據(jù)自己的體會(實話實說)就行了。】 關于雅思口語考試,還有一點想給大家提個醒。雅思的聽力、閱讀和寫作一般在上午考完,中間有一個小時的休息時間,然后開始口語考試??谡Z考試中考生會被分成若干個組,每組中的考生依次“出場”,考生在上午的考試結束后會知道自己的分組情況和具體的“出場”時間。如果像我一樣不幸成為小組中第一位“參賽者”,那么午飯就會成為一個問題。我因對考點周邊的“飲食地形”不熟,只好忍饑挨餓空腹上陣,等考完口語餓得眼都花了。所以最好是事先準備一點巧克力或餅干之類,以備不時之需。還有,你所關心的是別的考生是否能看到,別人是看不到的,就只有你和考官。 PART2要把卡上的問題逐一答完,找相關的內(nèi)容再說。。。。最好說到考官STOP你··PART3時間肯定長過PART2的,因為他還要在PART2的前提下,延續(xù)幾個問題,多少個不等,叫做對話(),他問你答,大概說5分鐘。
每天5分鐘,托雅6上天,大家好!我是太格培訓學校長沙分校的陳陳老師。今天要和大家分享的是雅思口語part1的必考題之一:Your Hometown在這一個問題當中,常見的問題有以下幾個:1. Where are you form? 2. Is it a big city or small town? 3. What is the best thing of living in your hometown? 4. Is it suitable for young people to live?在回答這些問題的時候,要注意陳陳老師之前跟大家強調過的,不要只回答一兩個單詞, 至少也要回答至兩到三句話。那這個時候問題來了,如何拓展這些問題是烤鴨們最頭痛的事情。這個時候陳陳老師就來拯救你們啦!正所謂知己知彼百戰(zhàn)不殆,我們想要拿高分就得知道考官想要的是什么。考官所期待聽到有關你的家鄉(xiāng)的有:1. 地理位置:你可以描述一下你的家鄉(xiāng)是在中國的哪個方位。My hometown is located in the eastern/western/southern/northern/central part of China.2. 最大特征:你們家鄉(xiāng)比較出名的食物、歷史景點等 My hometown features seafood and stunning ocean view. / My hometown is the birth/origin place for XXX. / My hometown has the worldwide for XXX. / Changsha is the capital of Hunan Province. / When it comes to my hometown, XXX will be the first thing that comes into people’s mind.3. 城市大?。罕热缯f我們在常見問題當中有一個問題問到了你的家鄉(xiāng)是一個大城市還是一個小城市?我們就可以用以下句型來應付: My hometown is a with millions of residents. / … medium city with well-developed . / Compare with Beijing or Shanghai, Changsha is a small city. But it is the biggest city in Hunan province. / It is a small city with beautiful natural landscape.4. 家鄉(xiāng)的歷史:特別是對于來自文明古都的烤鴨們,這一點是非常好展開的。There are many building in my hometown, such as XXX temple, XXX site, XXX national park and XXX Chinese pagoda.5. 你對家鄉(xiāng)的評價:這樣一部分是必不可少的。每一個問題都需要有一個客觀的回答,和一個主觀的回答。既然已經(jīng)在前4個當中體現(xiàn)了你對你的家鄉(xiāng)客觀的回答,那就要開始說你對你故鄉(xiāng)的看法了。A. Facility 設施 The are well-developed, including hospitals, schools, leisure and you name it. / The are out of date and the resources are a bit limited. 在這里,如果有細節(jié)可以加上一兩個會更好。B. 機會 My hometown is a place full of , from education to career searching, form making friends to watching a show, I can go on and on./ People could hardly find a well-paid job in my hometown.C. 娛樂 People in my hometown have all sorts of choices, young people. They can go shopping at different malls, enjoy all kinds of fantastic , or watch movies. / Life is a bit in my hometown, sometime i will just spend my spare time at home since there is no place to go.D. Life pace 生活節(jié)奏 Well, the greatest advantage about live in a small city is less and stressful than big cities, so we could live a comfy and cosy life in such an . / The living cost is a little bit high, and people seldom have time to stop and enjoy what they are supposed to have.E. Last but not least Air quality 空氣質量 北方的烤鴨們在這個方面可是很有發(fā)言權的,現(xiàn)在的空氣質量越來越不好了,這樣也為我們提供了一個展開問題的新觀點。 My hometown is pretty peaceful and tranquil, it is by trees and lakes, which provide a perfect place for people to live. / The air pollution has became one of the major problem in my hometown. Citizens must wear when they go out, and even school were canceled due to the bad weather. 每天5分鐘,托雅6上天,歡迎大家繼續(xù)關注本知乎賬號,你們的支持是我們做免費干貨的巨大動力,下次分享將會是part1當中核心觀點的大總結,謝謝大家。下節(jié)課會帶著大家分享如何回答另外一個必考題,下次課見,拜拜!有疑問 歡迎隨時私信此知乎賬號~
各位烤鴨大家好,我們繼續(xù)更新2021年5月到8月的雅思口語題庫的口語素材,關于口語素材的使用方法具體可以參考之前寫過的文章雅思口語素材使用方法,每到題目我都會盡量給大家提供多樣化的答案,希望各位烤鴨根據(jù)自己的需求合理使用。在開始以前,我還是啰嗦一下,發(fā)一下免責聲明:1.本平臺不玩假大空的理論,我會極力為大家提供最干的干貨,緊跟最新的雅思考試趨勢,同時本平臺向大家承諾,所有資料均為原創(chuàng),任何人如果要轉載,務必標明來處,伸手黨請自重。2. 本平臺所有資料公開免費,為本人數(shù)年經(jīng)驗總結,不設置收費閱讀。各位烤鴨如果覺得資料對自己考試或者學習有幫助,可以點贊轉發(fā),一鍵三連,大家的支持是對我的最大動力。大家可以拉到文末關注公眾號,可以在線免費咨詢雅思或者留學遇到的任何問題。3.由于個人精力有限,所寫內(nèi)容難免有錯誤,如有不合適的地方,歡迎大家批評指正,謝謝大家。好了,下面進入正題,今天我們要來看一下雅思口語第一部分part1的一組高頻題home country.這組題目從上個季度保留到這個季度,而且很多次在考場上有考到,大家需要對本國的一些城市,歷史稍微有一些基本的了解,背會一些常用的話語,例如中國歷史悠久,是最古老的文明之一等等,甚至可以說一些例如封建社會的某些現(xiàn)象,儒釋道等宗教信仰等。這樣無論是和考官還是外國友人聊起來都能讓他們眼前一亮,下面大家可以看看小編為大家提供的幾組sample answer:Which part of your country do you want to live in?Answer 1If possible, I would like to settle in our capital, Beijing, as there are more chances for . Many graduates flock to this city every year, which makes it vibrant and I am sure that I would be one of them after finishing my life. Answer 2Probably I would go to some southern cities like Shenzhen or Guangzhou. As a boy growing up in northern part, I am done with the freezing cold winter every year. People seldom go out and the streets are not so bustling that always makes me get a bleak feeling.:flock to: 涌入vibrant: 充滿活力的freezing: 刺骨的bleak: 荒涼的What makes you feel proud of your home country?Answer 1Well about this topic, I’ve discussed with my foreign friends for many times and with no exception, I feel extremely proud of our splendid history and culture. Many foreigner are with the eastern culture and such as Daoism, which is unique in the world. Answer it must be the that we’ve made these years. 70 years ago, chienese people were suffering from poverty and hunger. But over the past several decades, our society has witnessed a dramatic change. Now we are the second economy in the world;people are becoming more and more wealth; these all make us feel proud of.:with no exception: 毫不例外splendid: 絢麗的: 哲學poverty: 貧窮economy: 經(jīng)濟體Do you know the history of your country well?Answer 1Well, to be honest, not really. As we one of the oldest in the world with a history of over 5000 years, I only know some common knowledge about our history. Yet there are loads of dynasties the there are countless history events that I only know a little bit Answer 2Of course coz since I was a little child I’ve been reading history books. I know a lot about the feudal society. Frankly speaking, I learned a lot from history such as, how to get on well with your , how to manage your team members if you are a leader, how to make success gradually and so on.:: 文明dynasty: 朝代: 上級,領導Will you stay in China in the future?Answer 1Well, I am afraid not. My father wants to emigrate to the US in the future as we have our family business there. Actually, I am confused about it but I know I shall miss my friends if one day I settle down there. Answer 2Sure. Despite that I will go further study overseas to exotic culture and broaden my horizon, I probably would come back after . In the long run, I am willing to stay here coz I’ve got my family and close friends, who are extremely important to me.:emigrate: 移民settle down: 定居exotic: 異域風情的in the long run: 長遠角度來看今天的分享就是這些了,對于這些題目,各位烤鴨你們的答案是什么呢?p.s. 淘寶搜店鋪“屠鴨工作室”,可以了解雅思口語私教課詳情哦~
適合年輕人發(fā)展:Of course yes. XX(你的家鄉(xiāng))is a dynamic city which has lots of modern and high speed life pace. Young people can find more to make their dreams com true.Meanwhile, the big can also be the driving force for the youngster and stimulate them to keep fighting. 適合老年人養(yǎng)老:XX(你的家鄉(xiāng))is a wonderful place for the old. It's sunny all the year so that old people could enjoy the sunshine. The fresh air, blue sky, green wild make old people feel and enjoyable. At the same time, the is advanced. You can see . Part 1 說2-3句就可以了,全是自己手打自己寫的,不容易,采納吧!