

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 8:30-21:00

隨著國際禁令解封,現(xiàn)在很多人都在為出國留學做打算,但出國留學外語是必備的,今天就隨小編來了解一下雅思口語回答模板,還有這些別再背口語模板了?。。?分學姐教你快速搞定雅思口語,雅思口語part2準備模板的問題,準備哪些類呢?,雅思口語萬能模板,雅思口語套用模板,雅思口語開頭模板整理,雅思口語考試回答模板,雅思口語背模板?? 也是大家所關心的




我報了北外雅思課程培訓,集中訓練了一下。你雅思口語是準備考幾分呢?我當時是按照至少6.5這樣準備的。如果是想要高的成績,還是把話題盡可能的都準備好,背下來,最好還能對這鏡子練習自己的表情和肢體語言??伎谡Z和考官face to face和容易緊張的,很多人的正常水平都沒辦法完全發(fā)揮不出來。尤其part one會先和考官有一大堆對話,還有可能遇到考官的口音你聽不懂的情況,很影響心情的。我當時就是part two的話題準備的很充足,除非特別倒霉遇到新題目,否則幾乎所有的話題我都準備過了,信心的一下子提升了很多。


其實有寫作的基礎口語應該不成問題的 考官主要考查你的溝通能力而不光是語言本身 最好不要背模板,來點實際的,北外雅思能學到本事


給你說我的套用模板吧,反正我覺著是百發(fā)百中的,不知用在雅思口語考試,很多面試什么的都可以用哦!開始說:Thank you for the to speak to you,I am sure you will find my talk and .這段話說的時候要有點微笑哦,而且語速不能快,要把它練得不是那么生硬,考試時不會因為緊張而忘記說或者說錯的話,平時練話題時每次都要先說這個,我練了很多話題,每個都說,每天說很多遍,對著鏡子說,效果很好的!到時候會很自然的哦!然后就開始說正文了先圍繞話題說兩句,然后就說你的觀點,用If I have to say that ...,I will choose/I prefer...There are several reasons,please allow me to explain as following:...First and foremost,...On the second hand,...Last but not least,...That's all,Thank you.一定要記住,模板你說不說出來都無所謂,但一定要說夠時間讓他打斷你,一定要自然,這個就要平時對著鏡子多練,每個話題看上一分鐘,然后就開始計時練習,不管說多說少說好說壞,這樣練肯定有用的!我寫的是通用模板,具體你可以在網(wǎng)上搜一搜,很多的,但是不一定都能記下來啊,你最好就是只記一個模版,然后記別人的話題是怎么圍繞著展開比較好的,比如讓你說你喜歡四大名著之一,你要說西游記,網(wǎng)上就有這樣的文章,可以看看人家怎么說,還有其他的我也不一一列舉了這些就是我的一點點經(jīng)驗,但愿能幫到你哦!祝好運!


  在雅思口語考試中,一個精彩的開頭可以給考官留下好的印象,并且能直接影響我們的得分,所以我們一定要用心準備開頭。接下來小編為大家整理了雅思口語開頭模板,主要還是開頭模板句型,大家在平時練習中可以多運用。  雅思口語開頭模板:  一、...說...的雅思口語好成績開頭模板:  1、As far as I am concerned…..;  2、As for me……;  3、Attitude towards it varies a lot,I think….;  4、To be honest;  5、Actually..;  6、To tell the truth….;  7、I side with those people who……;  8、It depends,different people have different..;  9、…….;  10、Exactly!  二、…帶來好處的雅思口語模板:  1、It benefits us in terms of(in regard to)….;  2、I believe We will benefit(from……);  3、It does(is)good to……;  4、Benefits can be acquired by…….  三、…對什么有害的雅思口語模板:  It is to…;  It has bad effect(impact)on......;  It is bad for......;  四、….隨著…的發(fā)展的雅思口語模板:  With the rapid of,sb.(sth.)has(is)become(becoming)…….;  As a result of the fast of sb.(sth.)has(is)become(becoming)……..  上面這兩句例句可以把后半句放前面說:  Nothing but the fast progress of…can benefit…;  it is the of…..That benefits……most.強調(diào)句型。


1.When was the last time you went to a forest?Sample answer:When I was an exchange student in Taiwan several years ago,I went to Ali Mountain with my roommates.I was so exciting because there were so many hard-wood trees thatI hadn't seen before.The scenery was appealing like what we see in films.We also took the train and watched the beautiful landscape at the same time which was a precious memory for all of us.2. How often do you eat with your family?Sample Answer:Since my family and I live thousands of miles apart from each other,we rarely eat together.When it's Spring Festival,we get together for family reunion. At this time of year,we cook dumplings,steamed bread and various cuisines and interact with each other about our lives and works. Spending some quality time with my family is always great pleasure for me.3. Do you prefer eating at home or at a ?Sample answer:If I have time cooking,I prefer eating at home which is much healthier.Dishes in are often greasy and contain a lot of fat which is not suitable for me because I'm a little chubby.I don't want to gain weight anymore.I can have more healthy and foods at home like and chicken.4. Do you want to live on an island if you have a chance?Sample answer:Well,it depends.If it's a livable island like Taiwan Island,I'd like to.Though I've never been to Taiwan Island before,I've already heard that it's beautiful, the eastem part of the island.What's more,it's my dream to live in a house,where I can hear the sound of ocean waves when I wake up.But if it's an island,of course,I wouldn't want to live on it.I can't imagine living on an island without the cell signal or WIFl most of the time.5.What's your favorite hairstyle?Sample answer:My favorite hairstyle is . It's a hairstyle common on rappers,which may be thought to represent a state.But I think it's just a matter of .Two of my have tried the .Both of them got when abroad. It's a pity I didn't try this hairstyle myself. It's already on the top of my lit,and I've to try when I go to Thailand this November.6. Do you often wear makeup?Sample Answer:Not really. It's unlikely for a student to make up too often,since our schedule is too tight.But sometimes I will wear makeup under certain like job interview, for the sake of respect.7. Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?Sample Answer:As far as I can see,Chinese people really like to drink tea or coffee, tea.Tea drinking is a tradition of my country that has lasted for at least 2,000 years. It has deeply emerged into people's everyday life.8. Who do you watch movies with?Sample Answer:I tend to watch movies with my families and friends.When I watch movies at home,I always ask my parents to enjoy the films together with me.But when I go to the cinema,I am likely to invite some of my friends to accompany me.9. Do you like living in the ?Sample Answer:No,not really.I admit that there is fresh air and peaceful in the .However,living in the could be boring for young people like me,as there might be not so much .Instead,living in urban areas would be much more fun.I can go to cinemas and theatres.I can hang out with my friends and shop in all kinds of popular stores.Therefore,I am not a fan of life.10. What kind of music do Chinese people like to listen to?Sample Answer:Well,it depends. You know,tastes differ. In China,some old people enjoy classical music, because they can get inner peace from it.For example,my is fond of listening to Mozart every day,and he has tons of classical music CDs.But some young people may be crazy about rock music.The reason is that they believe it helps them to release pressure.Take my brother as an example.He is among those who are great fans of some famous rock singers,such as Bon Jovi.以上只是10個模板,我們還有其他部分的模板,關注公眾號【考試帝】回復關鍵詞【雅思口語】即可獲得全部資料喲。




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