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Study while you play; Play while you study; This is the way; To be cheerful and gay. 學習與玩樂,勞逸可結合, 依此方法做,輕松又歡樂。 ------ Jean Jin 中國 ....……
Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities, is becoming an advanced institution of learning. 即使沒有學院和大學的幫助,我們的人生,也依舊會變成一所高等學府。 -----Karl Benson 美國 ....……
Goals determine what you are going to be. So make a good plan, we like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. 目標決定我們的未來。幫自己定一個好計劃,不緬懷過去,我們致力于未來。 ------ Bogdan Badulescu 美國 ....……
I suppose the thing gets me the most satisfaction of being a teacher is when I feel that somebody has made an improvement. 在教學中,讓我感到最大滿足的是,看到學生每一點的進步。 ------ Ashley Cage 英國 ....……